FedEx Shipping Discounts

Member Benefits
FedEx Shipping Discounts

Enrolling is easy. To create a new FedEx account or enroll your existing account in the discounts program, use the registration link or call 1.800.475.6708.

Exclusive to NAGC members, the FedEx Advantage Program will allow program participants to save up to 50% on select FedEx expedited shipping, up to 50% on select FedEx expedited shipping international shipments, up to 20% on select FedEx standard shipping and up to 20% on FedEx Office® services. In addition, NAGC members can now save up to 80% on LTL with FedEx less-than-truckload shipping services (150 lbs or more).

FedEx Rewards
Save money on your shipping and earn rewards for your loyalty with FedEx. As a NAGC member, you're invited to enroll in the FedEx Advantage program and enjoy discounts of up to 50% on FedEx services.* After you enroll, you can use the same account to join My FedEx Rewards and earn gift cards and brand-name merchandise when you ship. Enrollment for both programs is free.

Enroll Today
There are no enrollment fees or shipping quotas associated with the FedEx Advantage Program for NAGC members. Enrolling is easy. To create a new FedEx account or enroll your existing account in the discounts program, use the registration link or call 1.800.475.6708.

*FedEx shipping discounts are off standard list rates and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Discounts are exclusive of any FedEx surcharges, premiums, minimums, accessorial charges or special handling fees. Eligible services and discounts subject to change. For eligible FedEx® services and rates, please call 1.800. GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339. See the applicable FedEx Service Guide or FXF 100 Series Rules Tariff for terms and conditions of service offers and money-back guarantee programs. Subject to minimum charges set forth in the FedEx Service Guide which can be found at †FedEx Office black & white copy discounts are applied to 8 1/2" x 11", 8 1/2" x 14" and 11" x 17" prints and copies on 20-lb. white bond paper. Color copy discounts are applied to 8 1/2" x 11", 8 1/2" x 14" and 11" x 17" prints and copies on 28-lb. laser paper. Discount does not apply to outsourced products or services, office supplies, shipping services, inkjet cartridges, videoconferencing services, equipment rental, conference-room rental, high-speed wireless access, Sony® PictureStationTM purchase, gift certificates, custom calendars, holiday promotion greeting cards, postage, and custom branded boxes. This discount cannot be used in combination with volume pricing, custom-bid orders, sale items, coupons or other discount offers. Discounts and availability are subject to change. Not valid for services provided at FedEx Office locations in hotels, convention centers and other non-retail locations. Products, services and hours vary by location. FedEx Office is a registered trademark of FedEx.

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